online high schools another option

Many of you don’t even consider an online school when weighing your options for the

new school year. Normally, you would have your choice of the one or two district schools, possibly a private school if you can afford the high tuition. But, what if for some reason, your child couldn’t attend one of those schools?

School Fights

Bullying at school.

Student with Anxiety Doing Class Presentation

There are so many reasons why your child may need another option from medical reasons, drugs and gangs at school, ADHD, bullying, anxiety, pregnancy, frequent relocation, etc. What if you simply weren’t happy with your choices and wanted another option?

The hard part is finding the legitimate quality online high schools.

Online high schools are becoming more acceptable as an alternative option to obtain your high school diploma, however, there is still a stigma associated with an online education. Many still consider an online education sub par. While there are many diploma mills that give online high schools a bad name, there are several legitimate online high schools that provide a quality education equal to and even surpassing(in some instances) many public and private brick and mortar schools. The trick is sorting through the bad to get to the good. When doing so, there are some things to consider.

Number one thing to check is for Regional Accreditation

Will your child have access to certified teachers?

Online High School Accreditation

The number one thing is accreditation. Make sure they are regionally accredited through an agency like Avanc-ED or SACS/CASI. Look for a program that offers assistance of certified teachers to help your kids through their lessons. Teachers are important to your child’s success. Also, Many students respond better to programs with interactive curriculum, rather than your typical correspondence programs.

Is Flexibility Important to You?

Online Schools offers you flexibility

If flexibility is important to you, many online high schools offer an opportunity to move at your own pace with 24/7 access to classes. Some online high schools even offer an opportunity for your child to obtain honor roll, participate in school clubs and competitions, qualify for scholarships, and offer schoolwide social networks to avoid isolation.

Online high schools offer flexibility to students to learn at their own pace and time

If flexibility is important to you, many online high schools offer an opportunity to move at your own pace with 24/7 access to classes. Some online high schools even offer an opportunity for your child to obtain honor roll, participate in school clubs and competitions, qualify for scholarships, and offer schoolwide social networks to avoid isolation.

People seek online high schools for different reasons. You have to think of what is most important to you when seeking a school. As long as the school is regionally accredited, you will know that your credits will transfer and you will be able to attend a college or university if that is your goal.

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